Malankara World

Inspirational and Spiritual Articles

Prayer and God's Help

by Archbishop Paul of Finland

Prayer gives expression to our striving towards communion with God. This communion is the natural manifestation of our love for God and of God's love for us. Through the channel of prayer we "pour out our hearts before God," which is a Biblical expression meaning that in prayer we express to God our thoughts and feelings of praise, gratitude and worship.

However, prayer is not only a form of worship; it is also a means available to us for overcoming the evil that lodges in our inmost self. In this sense prayer is like a special line that carries man's cry for help to God.

Lord, have mercy! This is the cry for help that is repeated again and again in the service. It is also the individual's cry for help as he keeps watch at the door of his heart and cries out to the Lord to drive away the passions that creep in. This corporate and private cry for help arises from our sense of powerlessness; "Apart from me you can do nothing," the Lord says (Jn 15:5). But it is equally strongly based on our trust that the Lord wants to purify our hearts, if only we ask. We are branches of Christ the Vine, and each branch that strives to bear fruit the Lord "prunes, that it may bear more fruit" (Jn 15:2).

Thus God's help and our own prayers will save us from "the corruption that is in the world because of passion."

Source: The Faith We Hold, pg. 70, SVS Press 1980

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The Heart of a Humble Parent
When you make a decision that negatively affects your life or the lives of others, be the first to admit it. Admit your mistake and resolve to handle any resulting consequences of your actions.

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