by Fr. Dmitri, New Zealand
Saturday 31 January 2009 (23 Tobi; 23 Tuba)
And in that day ye shall ask Me nothing. Truly,truly, I say
If the soul surrenders to God with all its strength; God will
May my prayers draw near to Thee, O Lord! Grant me
If a person wishes, he may live for God.
God's power is capable of doing wonders for you but
Virgins shall be brought to the king after her; Her fellows
In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so,
Dear beloved, He defeated the whole world as we see. He did
Prayer is great good. For when we speak to a person endowed with
Heavenly Father, help us to pray to You through Jesus and in the
Praise ye the Lord, all His angels, praise ye Him all His hosts.
Adoration is the first duty of man to God, but how little fulfilled! How little
prayer there is in
This makes us glad to think of the Holy Angels of God. A vaster world than
Our Lord is pleased that His Father is known and loved by those who see the
And yet God the Son took on man's nature, not the angels. They played so
So once more be grateful for the mercies of Our God to us, and realize
If someone does something for you, it is polite to say thank you and not to take
it for granted.
Alas how many people take God for granted? No matter how little the Blessing
received we
To Thee be glory and praise; now and ever, unto Ages of Ages.
Today's Readings:
Evening: Psalm 88:2021; Gospel Matt.10:34-42.
St.Timothy A.M.
unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name,
He will give it you.
(John 16:23)
cleanse it from all its defects & Pains one by one, till it
will be free of them all.
(St. Antony)
Thy holy seed, that I might bring Thee a harvest of sheaves
abundant in good fruits.
(Ephraim the Syrian)
(St. Macarius)
He waits for your belief.
(Pope Shenouda III)
shall be brought to you; they shall be brought with gladness
and exaltation.
I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
(John 14:2)
not conquer it by military powers, but by the ignorance of
the cross. All spirits surrendered to Him when His body was raised on the cross.
(St. Augustine)
virtue, we receive much benefit. How much greater benefits will
flow on persons who speak with God. For prayer is speaking with God.
Holy Spirit. Let us be faithful to our daily conversations with You.
(St. Augustine)
most lives. How little even with believers except for Corporate Prayer in
Church. With infinite
mercy God willed man out of nothing into being, so that man might know and
praise the Eternal
Beauty and Goodness which God is. And man remains unseeing and unresponsive
- ready to praise anything except his Creator.
ours - each of the nine choirs may be more numerous than all the human race.
In their faculties of knowing and loving they tower up far out of sight;
their praise to God is an example to us all. The whole and all-sufficient
occupation of the angels is the praise and adoration of God.
Father's Face. He teaches us to pray, 'Thy will be done on earth as it is in
Heaven.' The angels' praise (compared with ours), is like some mighty
orchestra and choir, compared with a beggar singing out of tune
in the street.
much a part in Our Lord's life from the Annunciation to the Ascension. It is
said that the Star that led the Magi to the Christ Child was made up of
myriads of angels, and it was angels who gave the glad tidings of the Lord's
Birth to the Shepherds on the hills.
better in the future our primary duty of praise and adoration to Him, both in
private prayer as well as public prayer.
should give thanks, be like the Angels and praise Him without ceasing both day
and night.
Morning: Psalm 131:9,10&18; Gospel Luke 6:17-23.
Liturgy: Heb.7:18-8:13; 3 John 1:1-15; Acts 15:36-16:5;
Psalm 98:6-7; Gospel: John 16:20-33.
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