by V T John Nalunnakal
I have heard and read many preachers and writers stating that Soul the Jew became Paul when he was baptized into Christianity by Ananias (Vide Acts 9:18). Some say Soul submitted himself to our Lord to be called Paulose.
In this context I invite a reference to the following quotation from the Holy Bible:-
"Then Soul - who was also known as Paul- was filled with Holy Spirit; he looked straight at the magician (Acts 13:9)"
Before Acts 13:9 he is called Soul and only Soul . After Acts 13:9 he is always Paul.
It may kindly be noted that Soul after his baptism (vide Acts.9:18) is called Soul at 12 places in the Acts: to be specific in Acts.9:19, 22, 23,25, 26,27, 28 & 30,12:25, 13.2, 4 & 7 After Acts 13:9 he is never called Soul.
My conjucture is Sovol (Soul) is from Hebrew while Paulose is from Greek. The Greek translated Kheefo into their language from which we have Peter. Mseeho is also translated by them into Greek from which we get Christ. Likewise Soul in Hebrew and Sovol in Syriac was simply translated into Greek from which we have Paul or Paulose.
So my case is that the name Paulose or Paul has nothing to do with the conversion of Soul as a Christian.
See Also:
One and Many
Churches (origins of the Church)
Some would offer the simplistic explanation that the multiplicity of Eastern
churches is the result of disputes and divisions. This is only partially correct. The Gospel message was taken from Jerusalem to various parts of the
world, took root and flourished to give rise to a wonderful diversity of
churches that were, for some time, all in full communion with each other.
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