Easter Sunday
- Evening
- Midnight
- Morning
- Celebration of the Holy Cross
- Isaiah 60: 17-22
- I Peter 5: 5-14
- Romans 16: 1-16
- St. John 14: 27 , 15: 11 -15, 17-19
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 23: 26 - 32
- Isaiah 60: 1-7, 11-16, 61: 10-62: 5
- Joel 2:21 -3
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 2:22 -36
- I Corinthians 15: 1- 19
- St. Matthew 28: 1-20
Hevorae Monday (Monday after Easter)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 41: 41-46
- Jeremiah 1: 4-12
- Isaiah 40: 9-15
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 5 : 1 - 8
- Romans 6:12-23
- St. John 2:18-25
Hevorae Tuesday
- Evening
- St. Mark 15: 37- 47, 16: 1 - 8
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 14: 26-31
- Joshua 6 : 6 - 21
- Great Wisdom 1: 1-18
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 13:26-39
- Ephesians 6: 10-20
- St. Mark 8:11-21
Hevorae Wednesday
- Evening
- St. Luke 23: 46- 56, 24: 1- 12
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 40: 1-16
- Joshua 2:1-6
- Isaiah 49 : 13- 21
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 4: 8-21
- Hebrews 3: 1-13
- St. Mark 8:27-33
Hevorae Thursday
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 34: 4-12
- Micah 4: 1-7
- Zechariah 8: 4-9
- Isaiah 37: 8-17
- Holy Qurbana
- I John 5: 13 - 21
- Hebrews 11: 3-6
- St. Matthew 16: 20-27
Hevorae Friday
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Deuteronomy 16: 1-8
- Joshua 8:30-33
- Isaiah 54: : 1-8
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 3: 17-22
- Hebrews 11: 32-40
- St. Mark 9:9-13
Hevorae Saturday
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Joshua 1:5-9
- Leviticus 25: 1 - 7
- Isaiah 44: 23-28
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 26:19-25
- Philippians 2: 1-11
- St. Matthew 22: 23-33
New Sunday (Sunday after Easter)
The Sunday of the Youth)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis41: 41-46
- Ecclesiastes 12:1 - 8
- Jeremiah 1: 4-12
- Isaiah 40: 9-15
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 2: 19-25
- II Timothy 2 1 - 13
- St. John 20: 19-31
First Sunday after New Sunday
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 14: 26-31
- Joshua 6, 9 - 21
- Great Wisdom 1: 1-8
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 13:26-39
- Ephesians 6: 10-20
- St. John 21: 1 - 14
Second Sunday after New Sunday
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 40: 1-16
- Joshua 2:1-6
- Isaiah 49 : 13 -21
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 4: 8-21
- Hebrews 3: 1-13
- St. John 21: 15 -19
Third Sunday after New Sunday
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 34: 4-12
- Micah 4: 1-7
- Zachariah 8: 4-9
- Isaiah 37: 8-17
- Holy Qurbana
- I John 5: 13 - 21
- Hebrews 11: 3-6
- St. Luke 24 : 13 - 35
Fourth Sunday after New Sunday
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Deuteronomy 16: 1-8
- Joshua 8:30-35
- Isaiah 54: 1-8
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 3: 17-22
- Hebrews 11: 32-40
- St. Luke 9 : 51 - 62
Ascension of our Lord
(Thursday after the fourth Sunday following New Sunday)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Deuteronomy 9: 26-10: 5
- Jeremiah 31: 31-34
- II Kings 2: 9-15
- Isaiah 48: 20-49: 4
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 1: 4-11
- Ephesians 4: 1-16
- St. Luke 24 : 36 - 53
Sunday before Pentecost (Sunday of the Monks)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 25: 1 - 13
- Joshua 1:5-9
- Isaiah 44: 23-25
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 21 : 7 - 9
- I Corinthians 7: 1- 2, 25 - 34, 9: 1- 10
- St. John 17: 13 -26
Pentecost (Fiftieth day after Easter) Sunday School day
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Numbers 11: 16 - 35
- I Samuel 10:9-15
- II Kings 2:14 -17 , 12: 1-27
- Ezekiel 11: 17-20, 36: 25 - 27
- Isaiah 42: 1- 27
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 2: 1-13
- Galatians 5 : 16 - 26
- St. John 15: 1 - 14
- Service of the First kneeling
- Genesis 11: 1-9
- II Kings 2 ; 14 - 17
- Acts 19:1-7
- I Corinthians 14: 20-25
- St. John 14: 1-17
- Service of the Second Kneeling
- Ezekiel 37: 1 - 14
- Joel 2:25-32
- Acts 10: 34 - 48
- I Corinthians 12: 12 - 27
- St. John 14: 25 - 31
- Service of the Third Kneeling
- Judges 13 : 24- 14: 7
- Ezekiel 47: 1-12
- Isaiah 47: 1- 1
- Acts 2: 1-21
- I Corinthians 14: 20 - 33
- St. John 16: 1 - 15
Golden Friday (Friday after Pentecost)
- Evening
- Morning
- St. Matthew 9: 36-10: 1 - 15
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 12: 1-9
- Psalms 1
- Isaiah 43: 1-7
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 3:1- 20
- I Corinthians 12: 28-13: 10
- St. Matthew 19: 23 - 30
First Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 41: 38-40
- Exodus 12: 31-40
- Joshua 5:9-12
- Jeremiah 29: 10-16
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 17:10-15
- II Corinthians 5: 14 - 6:10
- St. John 6:26-35
Second Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 19: 1-8
- II Samuel 5: 1-10
- Daniel 6:25-28
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 4: 23 - 31
- Ephesians 2: 11-22
- St. Matthew 10: 5 - 16
Third Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 42: 18-25
- Jeremiah 3: 1 - 5
- Daniel 3:21-30
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 13:26-39
- Galatians 6:10-18
- St. John 6:35-46
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Deuteronomy 33: 23-29
- Psalms 15
- Isaiah 65: 8-12
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 6: 1-7
- I Corinthians 16 : 14 - 22
- St. Luke 10 : 1 - 16
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 23: 14-19
- Psalms 16
- Isaiah 40: 27-31
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 9:10-18
- II Corinthians 5: 14-20
- St. Luke 9:10-17
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 3-: 34-38
- Psalms 20
- Isaiah 14: 22-27
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 1:15 - 20
- I Corinthians 8: 1-6
- St. Matthew 15: 32-39
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 16: 29-34
- Hosea 5: 1-5
- Isaiah 57: 15-19
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 4:32-37
- Ephesians 2: 11-22
- St. Mark 3:20-30
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 3:9-15
- Jeremiah 7:21-25
- Isaiah 52:1-6
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 2: 4 -10
- Hebrews 4: 14-5: 5
- St. John 6 : 47 - 59
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Psalms 22 : 1 - 21
- Deuteronomy 4: 1-6
- Proverbs 13: 1-7
- Isaiah 24:1-5
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 28:11-22
- I Corinthians 6: 1-11
- St. Luke 14: 7-11
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 15: 23-27
- Job 42: 7-17
- Psalms 112: 1-10
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 28:23-30
- Romans 10: 5-21
- St. Matthew 18: 1-11
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 19: 13-18
- Joshua 23: 7-14
- Malachi 4:1-6
- Holy Qurbana
- St.James 2:14-26
- 1 Corintians 14 :34-39
- St Mark 6:7-13
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 17:1-7
- Isaiah 65:1-7
- Psalms 139
- Holy Qurbana
- St.James 2:14-26
- 1 Corintians 14:34-39 or.
- St. John 17:13-26
Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (June 29)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 12: 1-9
- Daniel 1: 8- 21
- Isaiah 43: 1- 7
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 1:12-14
- I Corinthians 12: 28-13: 10
- St. Matthew 20: 1-16
Feast of the Twelve Apostles (June 30)
- Evening
- Morning
- St. Matthew 10: 11- 15 19: 27 - 30
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 12: 1-9
- Daniel 1: 8 - 21
- Isaiah 43:1-7
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 1:12-14
- I Corinthians 12: 28-13: 10
- St. Luke 6:12-26
Dukharono of St.Thomas (July 3rd)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 12 : 43-51
- Job 23 : 1-7
- Isaiah 52 :1-15
- 1 Peter 2 :15-17
- 1 Corinthians 6 : 9-11
- St.Mathew 5 : 21-26
The Festival of Transfiguration/Koodaara Perunnal (6th August)
- Evening
- St. Matthew 16: 27-17: 13
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Deuteronomy 16: 13-17
- Psalms 24
- Isaiah 61: 1-3
- Holy Qurbana
- I John 2: 23-3: 1
- Romans 11: 25-36
- St. Luke 9:27-36
First Sunday after the Festival of Transfiguration
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Deuteronomy 25: 13-16
- Psalms 27
- Ezekiel 7:1-4
- Holy Qurbana
- St. James 4: 7-5: 6
- Philippians 4: 8-20
- St. Matthew 21: 28-32
Second Sunday after the Festival of Transfiguration
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 23: 20-27
- Psalms 29
- Hosea 11:1-9
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 5: 1-11
- I Corinthians 10: 1 -13
- St. Luke 12: 13 - 21, 35 - 44
The Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary (August 15)
Martha Mariam Samajam Day
- Evening
- St. Luke 1: 39 - 56, 2: 22 - 35
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 3:1 - 6, 19: 16-23
- Ezekiel 44 : 1 - 3
- Isaiah 45: 11 -19
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 1: 12 - 14, 7: 44 -53
- Hebrews 9: 3-12, 2: 14 - 18
- St. Luke 11 : 22 -28
- St. Matthew 12: 46 - 50
- St. John 19: 25-27
First Sunday after the Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 14: 21-31
- I Samuel 8: 4 -9
- Isaiah 43:1-5
- Holy Qurbana
- I John 2: 22-29
- Ephesians 6: 10-17
- St. Luke 6 : 39 - 45
Second Sunday after the Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 6: 3-12
- Ecclesiastes 7: 1-7
- Psalms 12: 1- 7
- Holy Qurbana
- II Peter 3: 8-14
- I Thessalonians 5: 1- 11
- St. Luke 11: 9 -20
Third Sunday after the Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 24: 12-18
- I Samuel 3: 16-21
- Ezekiel 18: 21-24
- Holy Qurbana
- St. James 5:1-6
- II Corinthians 10: 1-7
- St. Matthew 17: 22-27
Fourth Sunday after the Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 3: 1-6, 11-14
- Job 1: 1-5
- Isaiah 1: 15 -20
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 2: 1-5
- I Corinthians 3: 16-23
- St. Matthew 5 : 38 - 48
Fifth Sunday after the Festival of the Ascension of St. Mary
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 18: 1-5
- Joshua 22: 1 - 6
- Ezekiel 34: 1- 6
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 11: 2 - 10
- Romans 2: 28-3: 8
- St. Luke 11: 33 - 41
The Feast of Holy Cross (September 14)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Numbers 21: 4 - 9
- I Samuel 17: 37-53
- Jeremiah 32 : 36 - 41
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 13:26-39
- Galatians 2: 17-3: 14
- St. Luke 21: 5 - 28
First Sunday after the Feast of Holy Cross
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Psalms 34
- Genesis 42: 1- 28
- Isaiah 1 : 10 - 20
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 3: 21 - 26
- I Corinthians 2: 10-16
- St. Mark 13: 28 -37
Second Sunday after the Feast of Holy Cross
- Evening
- St. Matthew 14: 34 - 36, 15: 1 - 11
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 42: 9-17
- I Kings 3: 5-9
- Wisdom 6: 1-9
- Isaiah 48: 12-16
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 5: 17 - 32
- I Corinthians 2: 14-3: 9
- St. Matthew 16: 5-12
Third Sunday after the Feast of Holy Cross
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 42: 18- 35
- Proverbs 1: 2 - 9
- Isaiah 4 8 : 12 - 16
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 7:2 - 5
- Romans 8: 1 - 11
- St. Mark 2: 23 - 28
Fourth Sunday after the Feast of Holy Cross
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Numbers 29: 35- 4 0
- I Kings 8: 22 -30
- Psalms 42
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 21: 17 - 26
- I Corinthians 1: 21-29
- St. Luke 16: 9 -18
Fifth Sunday after the Feast of Holy Cross
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus 2: 1-3
- Psalms 46
- Isaiah 40: 27-31
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 22:22-29
- I Timothy 6: 13-21
- St. Matthew 23: 1-12
Sixth Sunday after the Feast of Holy Cross
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 42: 29-36
- Psalms 84
- Isaiah 43: 16-25
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 21: 27 -40
- I Corinthians 5: 6-13
- St. Luke 18: 18-27
Seventh Sunday after the Feast of Holy Cross
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 12: 43- 51
- Job 23: 1-7
- Isaiah 52: 1-15
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 2: 15 - 17
- I Corinthians 6: 9 - 11
- St. Matthew 5: 21 - 26