Memory of St. Mary for Special Feasts
- Evening
St. Luke 8: 16 - 21 - Morning
St. Mark 3: 31 -35 - Before Holy Qurbana
Judges 13: 2-1 Zechariah 2: 10 - 13, 4: 1- 7, 8: 3 - Holy Qurbana
I John 3: 2-17 Hebrews 2: 14-18 St. Luke 1: 26 -38
Feast of an Apostle - Evening
St. Matthew 9: 35 - 10: 10 - Morning
St. Matthew 19: 27 - 30 - Before Holy Qurbana
Genesis 12 : 1 - 9 Daniel 1: 8 - 21 Isaiah 43: 1 - 7 - Holy Qurbana
Acts 1: 12 - 14 I Corinthians 12: 28 - 13: 10 St. Luke 6: 12 - 23
Feast of St. Thomas - Evening
St. John 11: 5 - 16 - Morning
St. John 14 : 1 - 7 - Before Holy Qurbana
Genesis 9: 1 - 12 Daniel 1: 8 -21 Isaiah 43: 1- 7 - Holy Qurbana
Acts 1:12 -14 I Corinthians 12 : 28 -13 : 10 St. John 20: 19-31
Feast of a Martyr - Evening
St. Matthew 10: 16-33 - Morning
St. Luke 12: 1-12 - Before Holy Qurbana
Genesis 4: 3-12 Daniel 3: 14 -30 - Holy Qurbana
Acts 23 : 11 - 25 Romans 8: 31- 39 St. Mark 8:34-38, 13 : 9 - 13
Feast of a Saint - Evening
St. John 15: 12 - 21, 16: 1 -3 - Morning
St. Mark 10: 28 - 31 - Before Holy Qurbana
Genesis 19: 15 - 23 Job 1:12 - 22 Isaiah 38: 1 - 8 - Holy Qurbana
Acts 27 : 9 - 2 6 Hebrews 10: 33- 11: 7 St. Matthew 10: 34 - 42
Memory of a Saint Lady - Evening
St. Luke 10: 38-42, 8: 1-3 - Morning
St. Luke 8:1--3 - Before Holy Qurbana
Genesis 21: 1-8, 24; 15 - 27 Ecclesiastes 12: 1-8 Isaiah 56:1-5 - Holy Qurbana
Acts 9:36-43 Romans 16: 1 - 16 St. Matthew 25: 1-13
Memory of Martyrs, Malpans, and Holy Fathers - Evening
St. John 17 : 11 -26 - Morning
St. Matthew 25: 31-46 - Before Holy Qurbana
Numbers 27: 1, 5-23 II Kings 2: 1-15 - Holy Qurbana
Acts 12:1-17 Romans 3: 19 -26 St.Luke 18 : 9 – 14
Mission Sunday (First Sunday of July) - Before Holy Qurbana
Jonah 3:1-10 Ezekiel 37:1-14 - Holy Qurbana
Acts 1:2-8, 2:1-13 Romans 10:13-21 1 Corinthians 9:15-17 St. Mathew 28:16-20
During God's wrath and unishment - Evening
St. Luke 13 : 6 - 17 - Morning
St. Matthew 7: 7-11 - Before Holy Qurbana
Genesis 18: 17, 20- 33 Jonah 3: 1- 10 - Holy Qurbana
St. James 5: 7-20 Hebrews 12: 3-11 St. Mark 11: 23 -2: 13 St. Luke 11: 2-13
Holy Baptism - Readings
Romans 5: 20-6: 14 Colossians 2: 1-12 St. Luke 3:15-16 St. John 3:1-8
Holy Mooron Readings Genesis 28: 10-20 Numbers 6: 22-7: 11 I Samuel 16: 1-13 Psalms 45: 1-17 I Kings 1: 32-40
Songs 1: 2-11, 3: 6, 4: 10-15 Kings 9: 1-6
Isaiah 61:1-6 I John 2: 21-3: 1
Corinthians 2: 12-17
St. Matthew 26: 6-13 St. John 12:3-8
Holy Confession Readings
Exodus 20: 2-17 Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143 Deuteronomy 5: 6 - 21 Job 22:22-30 St. James 5:12-18 I Corinthians 6:9-20 Colossians 3: 12-17 St. Luke 15: 1-32 St. John 20: 21-23 Holy Qurbana Readings Psalms 8, 15, 16, 23, 23, 29, 34, 40, 84, 103, 116,
119: 23-40,119: 97-112,121, 139, 147, 150.
Holy Priesthood
M'samrono Psalms 50 St. Luke 10: 17 - 24
Qorooyo (Sub-Deacon) Proverbs 1: 1-9 I John 2: 12-29 St. Luke 10: 16-25
Youphidakino (Sub-Deacon) Isaiah 44: 1-4, 61: 1-4 I Timothy 3:8 - 13 St. Luke 10: 1 - 16
M'Shamshono (The Full Deacon) Acts 6: 1 - 8 I Timothy 3 :8- 13, : 1 -7 St. John 12 :24 - 26, 13; 1 -15
Kasheesho (Priest) Acts 2: 14 - 21 I Timothy 1: 18-20, 3: 1-7 St. John 20: 19-29
Cor-Episcopa II Timothy 2: 1-13 Titus 2: 1-9 St. John 14: 1-16
Dayaroyooso (Ramban) Genesis 12: 1-9 Numbers 6:1-9 Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 Barazeera 3: 16-21 Job 22:22-30 I Peter 1: 13-25 Colossians 3: 1-17 St. Luke 14: 25-15: 11
Arkhadhayakon Acts 6: 1-8 I Timothy 3: 8-13 St. John 12: 24-28
Newly elevated Arkhadhiyakon reads the Holy Gospel
standing on the steps of the Holy Sanctuary. St. John 17: 3-26 OR St. Luke 10: 1-24
Episcopa Acts 1: 2-8, 24-26, 2: 1-4, 8 :14: 21 ,14: 23 I Peter 1: 13 - 16, 2:1-10 , 5: 1-4 I Timothy 1: 18, 3: 1- 7, 13, 4 : 6-11, 5: 17-22 St. Matthew 16: 13-19
New bishop reads the Holy Gospel sitting on the throne. St. Matthew 10: 1-16
Holy Matrimony
The Anointing the Sick
Kantheela First Service Acts 3 :1- 10 St. Luke 18: 35-43 Second Service St. James 3: 10-18 St. Luke 10: 25-37 Third Service II Corinthians 12: 7-10 St. Mark 5: 25- 34 Fourth Service II Corinthians 12: 7 -10 St. Matthew 15: 21-31 Fifth Service Acts. 9: 32 - 35 Ephesians 6: 10-20 St. Matthew 9: 36- 10:10
Sanctification of a Church Building
Laying the Foundation Stone of a Church building
Dedication of the Holy Cross
Mooron Sacrament
Blessing of the Home
Men Genesis 48 : 21-22, 49: 33-50 Psalms 34 I Peter 3: 8-12 I Corinthians 15: 33-53 St. John 15: 19-29
Women Acts 9:36-42 I Thessalonians 4: 13 - 42 St. Matthew 25: 1-13
Children I Kings 17: 17-24 Acts 20:7-12 I Corinthians 15: 12-19 St. Luke 7:11-17
Bishops Priests Deuteronomy 34 : 1 - 12 Numbers 20: 23-29 II Peter 3: 8-18 I Corinthians 15: 33 -57 St. Matthew 24: 45 - 25: 30