by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada
"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Victory through Christ, God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume." ( 2 Corinthians 2:14)
Do you forget to say a word of thanks for all the
benefits you have received?
We are at the mercy of God. All living beings are inter-connected with the same
source. Nobody could live by disconnecting this relation. We are strengthened
our relationship with God and our fellow beings by leading a life of thanks. We
should not forget all the benefits of God that we enjoy. Always keep the word of
thanks in our lips. Thank you, yes thank you, or no thank you are the normal
responses from any English people you encounter for anything.
The effectiveness of thanks are far-reaching and nobody could fathom it. It
benefits mainly to the giver than to the receiver. Don’t forget to say a word of
thanks for every things –good or bad. We could express it by a word of prayer, a
smile, a warm shake hands, a sunshine letter, some help in action, a gift etc.
The daily prayer in set times is one of the best ways to give in thanks to God.
Daily bible readings, attending the church, visiting the holy places etc. are
also ways to express our thanks to God. The world should be filled with the
fragrance of thankfulness.
People are tired of the thankless behavior of the beneficiaries. As long as we
cross the bridge, our lips are full of warmness of praise; unfortunately, after
crossing it becomes ice cold. What a thankless generation! If we are not taught
and practiced the way of thankfulness then we are not deserving to call as
Homosapiens - (meaning - knowing man or better man.)
23 Chileans miners, along with their families are on their way of pilgrimage in
the path of Jesus in Israel for expressing their thanks for the miraculous
escape after 68 days under the earth. They organized daily prayer sessions
during their 68 day ordeal underground last year. Now they visit the holiest
Christian sites in an ecstatic celebration of faith and gratitude. "It’s a great
honor for us to be here, because God rescued us from the bowels of the earth and
we are so grateful." Said miner Jose Enriques. "It’s amazing to be here, in this
place, to be able to thank God for what he did for us." It was a terrible
accident, but I think God wants us to be able to unite the world in prayer." He
overcame this terrible accident and he is now using it for something good - to
unite the entire world."
"Give thanks to the lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever."
(Psalm 136:1) "I can no other answer make, but thanks, and thanks." - William
Jesus, Thanks for all your grace and blessings. Let all of us be the children of thanks. If we had forgotten thanks to anybody please forgive and forget our wrongs of thanklessness. Let a generation arise with thankfulness for all your blessings. Let our lips, hearts, minds, homes, and churches echoed with the voices of thanks. All we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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