Malankara World

Today with Jesus

Caring for the Sick

by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada

Today's Bible Verse

"Jesus travelled through all the towns and villages, … healing all kinds of diseases and sickness." (Mathew 9:35)


Do you know you have the power to heal?

Healing is the character of God and God's people. Jesus has come to the world to regenerate and regain his creation from its fallen state to bliss by his love and compassion. This ministry has been entrusted to his people and that should be continued till his second coming. "Jesus called his 12 followers together and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and sickness" (Mathew 10:1). Pure love and its action will heal the sick in and out. The humanity, as a whole, is in the grips of sickness. We have a culture of be with the sick till he/she gets well. Religiously also, we have been visiting someone in a hospital, house, or nursing home and praying with him/her. Now that seems to be waning away from the vicinity of the developed worlds and the economically well-off generation. It's a curse now to die with sickness in the world of involuntary solitude without anybody to care and heal.

Rebecca is a multitalented high school student in USA. She was almost completely paralysed. She was admitted in the hospital and was confirmed that she had Gillian Barr syndrome, a rare condition in which a virus attacks the nervous system, causing paralysis in all the motor functions. The doctors gave her very little chance for recovery. But they didn't count on God!

"My spirits have been strengthened because of the love from family and friends," Rebecca says. "Daily I received phone calls, cards and flowers. My room was crowded with friends every day. It was time for fellowship and support, not only for me, but also for my family and friends. Some people say the Lord doesn't give us answers we can see or touch, yet we all see and touch our family and friends. The Lord answered my prayers with a family who stroked my hair and sat next to me day and night while I lay motionless. The Lord brought me friends who told me, 'You will get better, because I'm praying for you.' I thank god for the answers he's given me". Rebecca's doctors were amazed at her healing.

"Lord you have the power to make me well, if only you want to. Jesus put his hand on him and said, I want to! Now you are well. At once the man's leprosy disappeared" (Luke 5:12,13). Visiting and caring for the sick is an important priority responsibility of a human being.


Jesus, let us show our love to our friends and neighbours who are sick by praying and visiting them. We pray for all the sick and afflicted. We pray for all the medical professionals. Let our homes and offices be the healing centers . All we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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