by Rev. Fr. V.V. Paulose, Toronto, Canada
"For the Lord's victory over Sisera will be at the hands of a woman." (Judges 4:9)
In God's choice of leadership, there is no man or
The Bible records several women who held national leadership positions. Deborah
was an exceptional woman and God chose her to lead Israel. God can choose anyone
to lead his people, young or old, man or woman. Don't let your prejudices get in
the way of those God may have chosen to lead you. The honor of conquering Sisera
went to a brave and resourceful woman - Jael. The inner voice speaks to
everybody and if your conscience is clearly in line with the scriptures, then go
ahead in your mission even if everything and everybody is against you.
Joan of Arc (1412-1431) was a French peasant girl who led the French army
against the English during the 100 years war. She was a French heroine and
patron saint of the catholic Church. When she was about 13 years, she began to
hear voices of God. That led her to act and she took up leadership of the
military to liberate France from England's domination. Under her command, the
French army won the war. But later, when she was 19 years old, she was betrayed
and executed by the church authorities for heresy. She was executed by burning
on 30 May 1431. For following her conscience and God's inner call, she has
become a martyr and a saint. When she died, she asked two of the clergy to hold
a crucifix before her. Within 20 years of her execution, the church authorities
corrected the mistake by a nullification trial. In 1920, she was canonized as a
"Be strong and very courageous." ( Joshua 1:7)
Jesus, save those who are in hostile terrains. Give us the spirit of courage to live and die for you in the midst of your enemies. Let us support and encourage those who are following your word in spirit. Let us not be an accomplice to persecute the godly. All we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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